It's been way way too long since the last piece. Hoping to do something new for a change, he hopes u guys will like this. By the way, this was created to be much bigger but because u will actually have to stand a little further to see the whole picture , J. took the liberty of resizing it so u can sit on the comfort of your chair and still see it without moving.
Tools : Photoshop
Reference : Picture of the flag
Time: longer than expected (mostly due to the seeking of icons)
Reminds me of an old Rammstein song :
"We're all living in America
Coca-Cola, Wonderbra
We're all living in America
America, America
This is not a love song
This is not a love song
I don't sing my mother tongue
No, This is not a love song"
Hope u will fancy this piece. Keep checking , more new works coming up.
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